Sunday, August 13, 2006

सुभाषितम् - मन्त्रः

षट्कर्णो भिद्यते मन्त्रश्चतुष्कर्णः स्थिरो भवेत् ।
द्विकर्णस्य तु मन्त्रस्य ब्रह्माप्यन्तं न गच्छति ॥

षट्कर्णः - heard by six ears (overheard) भिद्यते - destroys मन्त्रः - the mantra (or counsel). चतुष्कर्णः - heard by four ears स्थिरो भवेत् - would remain steadfast. मन्त्रस्य (मन्त्रः, ६) - The mantra द्विकर्णस्य (द्विकर्णः, ६) - heard by two ears (not imparted) न गच्छति - does not go ब्रह्मा-अपि-अन्तम् - near to brahma.

A mantra (or counsel) is broken when overheard by an extra set of ears; It remains stead-fast when imparted in private. When it is only self-imparted, it surely does not take one to heaven (near brahma).

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